Pavel Tchelitchew, A Collection of Theatre Designs c. 1919 – 1923: The Alpine Club, London.

13 - 22 December 1976

In an age bereft of beauty, fantasy and grandiose vision, many look to the theatre for inspiration. Yet perhaps some might regard as impoverished and humanless, many of the concepts in contemporary stage design.

Diaghileve's unique gift for creating a glorious fusion from individual genius and his perception of the theatre in its abstract entirety, made as it has for many, a tremendous impression upon me. In 1967 I was able to help initiate the idea of the first sale of Diaghiliev ballet material at Sotheby's. I am very fortunate in having the opportunity to present this unique collection of Tchelitchew's early theatre designs. They show the facsinating delvelopment which led to his sensational concepts for "Ode" the ballet Diaghilev commissioned him to design in 1928.

Tchelitchew is considered a major innovator of stage design and this collection with its originality, vitality, humour and richness is a homage to the magic of true theatre.

Richard Nathanson